DSC_0191.jpgOn 2 March, specialists of VIC Group participated in the bowling tournament in Omsk.

This event was organized by "PRODO". Its branch, "Omsk Bacon", has been a long-time partner of VIC Group.

-"Omsk Bacon" became the first one with whom we began to cooperate in Omsk immediately after the opening of the Omsk branch, -said the team captain, Head of the Omsk branch of VIC Group, S. Niderkvel. - Our partnership, which we, without exaggeration, are proud of, has been going on for more than twenty years! Joint training seminars for veterinarians and technical service have already become a good tradition.

Many leading enterprises of the Omsk region participated in the tournament, 26 teams of 8 people each.

image002.jpg"PRODO" organizes such tournaments every year, the employees of the company consider themselves as proficient sportsmen. VIC Group participated in the tournament for the first time. VIC Group chose the best bowlers.

Our players easily made it through the qualifying round. Then, they reached the final. "Omsk Bacon" took the first place, "Luzinskoe moloko" took the second place. VIC Group won the honorary third place! It was a very good result.

IMG_20180314_100334.jpg"We supported our players and were very proud to see out team on the pedestal," said E. Chupilko, the office manager of the Omsk branch. Bowling tournament was a very interesting event for us.

The support group not only supported their team, they also participated in the quiz. Quiz questions were not easy, but the supporters successfully coped with them.

At the tournament, VIC Group also presented the awards. VIC Group participated in the tournament not only to win, but to meet colleagues from other companies, to strengthen business relations.