VIC Group runs a socially responsible business. Company provides charitable assistance on an ongoing basis by supporting several institutions which are in need of help.
1. UNESCO project “Books for blind children”
2. Masterslavl
3. Support for charitable funds helping homeless animals
4. Helping disabled athletes
5. Vohsky Juvenile Rehabilitation Center
6. Maintenance of wolf enclosure in the Belgorod Zoo
Vohsky Juvenile Rehabilitation Center
For more than 13 years VIC Group has been providing assistance to this child care center where children from dysfunctional families, families in difficult situations are temporary housed. The age of children is from 3 to 18 years. The center is located in the small village Nikola in the Kostroma region. Children receive gifts from the VIC Group for the New Year, the Knowledge Day and the Children's Day. If the center is in dire need of some equipment, clothes and shoes, the company helps immediately.
While visiting children VIC Group employees not only bring presents, but also conduct workshops on drawing, photography and speech trainings in the form of games. The specific feature of this center is that children are housed there for six months, while a difficult situation persists in the family. Permanently there are 15-20 children who stay in the center, so clothes and shoes are constantly needed. Employees of VIC Group regularly collect clothes for children. The staff of all company’s offices throughout the country participates in such actions.
Belgorod Zoo
VIC Group is the trustee of the enclosure with the European wolf in Belgorod Zoo. In June 2016, a new zoo was opened in Belgorod, in which all inhabitants of small and run-down previous site of the zoo were displaced. VIC Group took part in construction of the new zoo. This activity has become another charitable project, the company took responsibility for the construction and maintenance of the enclosure with the European wolf.
Under the care of the VIC Group the enclosure with the European wolf today is in perfect order, the animals feel well. These are two wolves, both males: a gray wolf named Pushok and a black wolf named Clyde. Pushok is very sociable and cheerful, but sometimes can show his true wolf character. Clyde is more accommodating and cunning. Wolves' favorite food is chicken. They beg for it almost like dogs, furiously wagging their tails and yelping.
Illustrated books for small blind children
In 1994, under the aegis of the World Decade for the Development of Culture of the United Nations and UNESCO, the charitable fund “Illustrated Books for Little Blind Children” was established.
VIC Group has been supporting the project since 2004. The fund raises money for purchase of special sets, consisting of a paper book familiar to us, with shape pictures, carved 3D details, audio equipment and professional recording of the text of fairy tales. Due to this set, a child with low vision can fully explore the world, enjoy the life, and start to take the first steps in creativity.
Over the years, the fund has published Russian folk tales, fairy tales by Alexander Pushkin, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen and Eduard Uspensky, tactile books about the circus, village, school, transport and much more.
Using its financial resources to support such projects, our company contributes to preservation and revival of cultural traditions, improving accessibility for children with disabilities.
Helping athletes with disabilities
One of the charitable activities of VIC Group is the regular support for Belgorod athletes with disabilities by providing them with financial assistance for training and preparing for competitions. Indeed it is very important to help in conquering sports peaks courageous and talented people with physical disabilities and unlimited spiritual resources, who achieve high results in Paralympic sports due to incredible persistence and the will to win. Providing comprehensive conditions for self-realization in sports for these forceful, purposeful and hardworking people, creating an inclusive environment for training is the key objective, which VIC Group contributes to.