IMG_20180531_125857_HHT.jpgSeminars for the leaders of poultry farms of Azerbaijan were held in Baku, on 31 May. The specialists of VIC Group and Biochek conducted training, shared experiences and presented new treatment schemes for poultry.

E. Eliseeva, Veterinarian of the Poultry Division of VIC Group, made a report on fortification, treatment and prevention of coccidiosis, ascariasis and the therapy of bacterial diseases of poultry.

Of special interest was a report made by V. Andrushchenko, Head of Vetpribor. She told about the tools and equipment for poultry farms, about two vaccination methods - injection method and spray method. She also spoke of two disinfection methods at enterprises - aerosol method and spray method.

IMG_20180531_183741_HHT.jpgThe visitors learned that for the treatment there are sprayers and generators of hot and cold fog, they tried to distinguish in practice spray fog from aerosol fog. The report also contained information on the conditions of using the equipment - hot fog is used in an empty facility, cold fog is used to treat facility with animals.

Azerbaijan does not have large poultry farms equipped with the state-of-the-art technology. There are primarily medium-capacity enterprises, where old inefficient disinfection methods are used. Therefore, the poultry specialists appreciated the given information.

IMG_20180531_103448_HHT.jpgMany of them were ready to purchase the generators of hot and cold fog immediately. The poultry specialists also got acquainted with medicators of Hydro systems and appreciated the high quality of the products.

The participants of the seminar appreciated warranty and postwarranty services of VIC Group, because very often it is a decisive argument in favor of purchasing veterinary equipment.

VIC Group has great development potential in Azerbaijan, because our company can offer new and quality products at an acceptable price range, which is of great importance for poultry farms.