DSC_0002.jpgOn 28 February and 1 March, specialists of VIC Group conducted training on "BioChek ELISA test kits in poultry" in Belgorod. Leading veterinarians of poultry farms and inter-regional veterinary stations visited the event.

The training included two parts, practical and theoretical. The participants studied the test schemes, operating instructions, technology for dilution. Special attention was paid to the B.E.A.R. robot. The specialists pointed out that errors during ELISA test could occur at any stage of the reaction. During the training, there were developed all stages and possible errors, there was also presented BioChek II program (filling the plate for the interpretation of the results, modification of the program parameters with regard to client's conditions).

DSC_0003.jpgOn the next day of the training, there was performed the analysis of the results received during the ELISA test the day before.

The participants learned how to interpret the results according to the recommendations of the manufacturer, Biochek. At the end of the training, the specialists of VIC Group answered all the questions. Certificates and gifts were presented to every veterinarian, who had undergone the training. The participants thanked VIC Group for the information provided and for the organization of the event. In the letters of commendation, the participants thanked L. Aleksandriv, N. Ivanova, I. Zenkova in person and expressed their willingness to participate in such trainings in the future.