On March 24, 2016, in Novosibirsk region, Berdsk, a technical seminar was held at the sanatory complex "Krona", with the support of Novus (USA) and Lallemand (Canada). The theme of the seminar was: "Preventive aspects in poultry industry" in the Siberian region.

The conference was attended by specialists of veterinary services from 7 large poultry farms of the Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk regions and Altai Krai. In their presentations, the speakers highlighted the challenges and complexities in poultry rearing under industrial conditions.

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We shared the established schemes of preventive measures for gastrointestinal (GI) diseases in birds with the unique probiotic Levisel SB and prebiotic Agrimos, we also described new ways for reduction in price of rations with enzyme Cibenza DP 100. In addition, there was held a master class on proper water treatment.

The veterinary area was highlighted in a separate block, the reports focused on the prevention of salmonellosis using the live vaccine 9R Vac, inactivated vaccine SET VAC, on the treatment and prevention of articular pathology using LiquiPhos Strong, Klindaspectin®, Dolinc®, Tilmipul®, Clavuxicin® in poultry industry. The seminar ended with Round Table, during which the experts of poultry farms noted the relevance of set themes for the seminar and expressed the wish for holding an annual meeting for the enterprises in the Siberian region.