VIC Group hosted a seminar for livestock breeding companies in the Urals region

In October, experts of VIC Group ran a training seminar for dairy and meat cattle breeding professionals in Yekaterinburg. 

Kristina Sachenko, leading technologist and consultant of VIC Group livestock division, highlighted the pressing issue of plant stress associated with the past dry summer in the region. Drought leads not only to yield loss, but also to the risk of mold in the field. As a consequence, basal feeds have high levels of mycotoxins harmful to animals. The speaker said that the most advanced and effective methods to combat mycotoxicosis are combined sorbents containing aluminosilicates and yeast walls. Also, Kristina Sachenko emphasized that hot summer is harmful not only to plants, but also to animals. The consequences of heat stress lead to lameness, growth of somatic cells in milk, decreased immunity and loss of reproductive performance. The two latter issues have a serious impact on the farming economics throughout the year. The expert analyzed the key points of the farm economic performance when the animals' organism is properly supported with phytobiotics.

Vladimir Martyshkin, veterinary consultant of the VIC Group livestock division, presented the veterinary and technological aspects of mastitis control at the farm. The audience was particularly interested in the Accumast test kit and the possibility of its application at the farm. The speaker focused the audience on disinfection and mastitis treatment schemes and answered their questions. Following the event, several companies expressed their desire to be audited by VIC Group.Nikita Petenko, veterinary doctor and consultant of VIC livestock division, discussed the topic of cattle reproduction in modern context. The expert addressed the following issues:

  • using synchronization schemes and their key focus points, 
  • he unique advantages of hormones from Bioveta and their effectiveness in improving herd fertility.